The Full Story
The Art of Falling Asleep (TAOFA) views humanity as existing at the intersection of dimensions, bridging the physical world of the 3rd dimension with the higher, more expansive energy of the 5th.
Unfortunately, this challenge is what the traditional approach to sleep doesn't address, and in my opinion, why sleep is getting worse.
The truth is that the clients I help already do more than is necessary in order to sleep, in the 3rd dimension, during the day. What's missing is a ritual that helps navigate them into the 4th dimension, before entering a state of solitude and presence in the 5th dimension, before their body eventually releases their mind so it can sleep.
In my experience, when diets, biohacking tools or supplements have not helped your chronic insomnia, you are simply missing an effective way of consciously and unconsciously processing, organizing, and redistributing your energy and resistance to sleep before bed.
What's needed is a brand new set of principles that take a deeper, multidimensional look at sleep for what it really is, so that you can take the most reasonable and energetically efficient steps, making your sleep ritual not only reliable, but a beautiful spiritual experience you can look foward to every night.
This is what The Art of Falling Asleep Strives to help you do. If you would like to learn more about how you can work with me in TAOFA lifetime community, or in person at an upcoming sleep retreat, please use the link below to schedule a call.